Classroom Information

Classroom Info

Your Child’s Education Classroom Management

Our class will follow Brassfield’s motto: PAWS!
P-ersonal Best
A-ct respectfully and responsibility
W-inning Attitude
S-afety First

Classroom Management

My classroom behavior management is based on the needs of each individual class. I have found that the behavior needs of a class vary from year to year. I will emphasize to your child that as third graders they know how to behave at school and rewards/consequences will vary upon their actions. I will notify you should I feel the need to begin a classroom management plan or personal behavior plan.


Visit my blog to access important classroom information. The blog includes, but is not limited to our class schedule, homework and frequent newsletters. Please sign up to "Follow by E-Mail." This will help you make sure you get all of the necessary information and know when you should check the website.   I will also periodically send group emails should you need immediate information.  

Your child's nightly homework will only consist of reading and practicing math facts.  It is important to me that your child leave third grade with a strong foundation of fact fluency in addition, subtraction, and multiplication.  Each quarter there will be 1-2 math or ELA themed projects.  

Wednesday Folders
On Wednesday, your child will bring home a folder filled with his/her work from the previous week and notices from the school. Please make sure that you empty it out and look at its contents. The Wednesday Folder needs to be returned on Thursday or the next school day.

School Attendance
Official school hours are from 9:15-3:45. Children may not arrive at the classroom before 8:45. If a child arrives after 9:15 he/she must get a tardy slip in the office. If a student needs to leave early, they must be signed out in the office. If your child’s transportation arrangements will be different on any give day, you must write me a note specifically stating the change.  I will not allow children to change transportation just based on their word.  If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must send a note upon their return. The office requires an absent note for each absence.

Grading Scale
Wake County Public Schools use Standards Bases Grading. Students will be graded on a scale from 1-4.  Below is how I explain to the children why they earned their grade.

Specials Schedule
Every day the students will go to a special class from 11:30-12:15. 

We will go to lunch every day from 12:20 -12:50 pm. If you would like to join your child for lunch, please sign in at the office and meet them in the cafeteria. Please make sure your child has lunch money every day. Every student has a lunch account in which you can put money ahead of time. If your child is running low, he/she will receive a sticker from the cafeteria, and a notice will be sent home as a reminder to add more money to the account. Breakfast costs $1.25 and lunch costs $2.75.

Your child will have the opportunity to eat a snack each day. In order to establish good eating habits, you must send in healthy snacks (no candy or chocolate please!). Healthy snacks include veggies, crackers, goldfish, pretzels, fruit, etc. Peanut products are not permitted in the classroom since we have students with allergies. We will have our snack in the morning. 

Due to our extremely busy and full daily schedule, students will be limited in getting drinks during classroom time. If you would like, you may send a water bottle (WATER ONLY PLEASE) for your child to drink throughout the day.

Recess time will be each day from 2:25-2:55 pm. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and playing. Students should wear sneakers for recess. Your child may bring in sneakers to change into before going out. If it is extremely hot or cold, or raining, we will have indoor recess. Playground expectations will be discussed the first day of school.

We would love to have you come visit our classroom as a volunteer. We will need assistance from time to time with projects, learning experiences, field trips, etc. Please remember that it is WCPSS policy that all volunteers re-register each year on a school computer. The registration window is now open. 

Parent-Teacher Communication
If you need to contact me, I can be reached at the school at 919-870-4080 and I will call you back as soon as I get the message. I will also respond to notes/letters. Please tell your child to give me any communication first thing in the morning. In addition, I check my email every day. My email address is Email is the best way to reach me during the school day.

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I know this is an odd time to track out, but Track 4 will be tracking out on Wednesday, April 1-Wednesday, April 22.  Virtual learning will...